Collection: Tussar

Tussar silk reflects the exotic and untamed spirit of the wild silkworm producing it, in its feel, colour and sheen. It is quite textured and comes in the natural colours. Tussar silk is a type of wild silk produced primarily in the states of West Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand. Tussar or Kosa Silk fabric always has a special place in Indian textiles, and it is auspicious to be draped in one, especially during rituals. There is no dearth of colors that you can pick in Tussar silk sarees. You can go in for a range of designs ranging from the traditional block styles to the more contemporary ones today· Hand Painted Tussers, Mural Paintings, Block Prints, Madhubhani Tussars, Cutwork and Embroidery Tussars, Kalamkari Tussers, Floral and Pastel colors enrich the vast collection of Tusser trousseau. The overall look and grace that emanates out of such color combinations and designs are something every elegant lady would vouch for.